Hidden Issues on ICT Based Higher Education Management

Introducing ICTs in the field of education, research and training is one of the popular discourses among the educationists, politicians, intellectuals and all stakeholders. Existence of laboratory with few computers, connectivity of even extremely low bandwidth and primary digital literary in one of two persons in educational institutions claims the use of ICTs in education and it becomes one of the powerful points for the motivation and attraction of the students and parents to schools/higher education institutions. A confusion is seen in managers and even in educators that having few computers in a room and internet connection is digital library availability. Similarly, there is one sections of the educators who do not want to listen the name of computer and ICTs tools and put arguments that this spoils the whole intellectual capacity and detract students from using their own brain in sensing, understanding, thinking, reasoning and solving problems. From my own personal experiences as one of the initiators and actors of ICTs integration in providing higher education, my presentation will be focused on distance and online education in Nepalese context with its hidden issues and prospective future from the perspectives of a manager/institutional leader. I worked as a coordinator of few international collaborative projects in higher education from a very zero level of ICTs use higher education teaching and research. Currently I am leading a higher education institution which is using ICTs tools as the main educating means. I will blend up my entire experiences and present in the speech that could, I expect, inspire the audience unfolding of the possible issues to be addressed in course of introducing ICTs in education, research and training sectors.